Khamis, Januari 01, 2009

When pills offer no relief

Headache sufferers may be overusing painkillers, making them less effective, says study.

That pill you pop for your headache could be making it worse, says a new study of 584 patients which suggests that people may be overusing pain medication, to their detriment.

Four in 10 people surveyed said they were not satisfied with their treatment, the main reasons being insufficient pain relief and failure to reduce attacks.

And the pain was so bad for one in 10 people that they had to miss school or work for at least a week.

The frequent usage of painkilling drugs is a red flag to doctors, who believe that they are being overused.

The occasional painkiller for the occasional headache is not going to hurt. But according to a survey of patients in general practice cli­nics, about one in five people used pain medication more than four days a week – a rate that doctors deem excessive. Nearly half of those surveyed had frequent headaches – four or more a month.

Dr Charles Siow, president of the Headache Society of Singapore (HSS), said any painkilling drugs can cause headaches – like tension headaches and migraine – to recur as the brain gets accustomed to having the drug if it is taken frequently.

“Over time, when the brain gets used to a certain level of painkillers and when they drop off because they are excreted from the body, the brain will give you a headache to get you to take a painkiller,” said Dr Siow.

This brain-induced headache, also known as medication-overuse headache, would make painkillers decreasingly effective and the pain itself difficult to treat over time.

Headaches can cause several areas of the head to hurt, including a network of nerves which extends over the scalp and certain nerves in the face, mouth and throat.

Migraine headaches are more vulnerable to this kind of drug overuse, as they are recurrent and tend to be more severe and debilita­ting.

With missed work and school, impaired performance and medication costs, the overall cost of migraine suffering to Singapore is estimated at S$146mil (RM335.8mil) a year, said doctors who headed the study.

It was commissioned last year by the HSS and supported by pharmaceutical firm Janssen-Cilag. The results of the survey were published in the Singapore Medical Journal in October.

Dr Siow suggested that different strategies be employed to deal with recurrent headaches.

There is preventive medication that migraine patients can take for six to nine months until the headaches disappear.

Patients should also learn to recognise and avoid triggers, such as fatigue, stress, hormonal changes and foods such as caffeine, chocolate and red wine.

Mental state is also important in dealing with the pain.

Dr Kevin Tan, associate consultant of neurology at the National Neuroscience Institute, said: “Psychosocial issues, like when a person is depressed or anxious, can make the sensation of pain appear to be worse than it actually is.”

The survey also found that more females and non-Chinese suffered from headaches compared to males and Chinese patients. Doctors say it is not understood why but there is a hormonal component along with genetic factors that predispose some to a life of migraines.

The World Health Organisation rates migraines as one of the top 20 causes of ­disabilities in the world. In Singapore, Dr Siow estimates that 360,000 people – or one in 13 people – suffer from migraines.

First-year polytechnic student Foo Sok Leng, 22, used to have migraine attacks three times a week in 2005, which then worsened to one every day. She took paracetamol for the pain three times a week but it remained constant.

“It was a very difficult time for me as I had to miss school and was in and out of hospital for more than a month,” she said.

As a result, Foo had to retake her A-level examinations the following year. Now she has started preventive medication, which has reduced her headaches substantially, she said.

Dr Siow said the survey showed that physicians need to pay attention to their patients’ complaints of headache, to prevent drug overuse.

The survey also found that patients tend to doctor hop as they go in desperate search of pain relief.

“Headache is so common that it slips under the radar. But people forget that having a headache is not normal,” said Dr Siow.

– The Straits Times, Singapore/Asia News Network

Bila Masyarakat Rosak

Kalau satu generasi itu, apabila lahir sahaja disatu zaman, membesar di zaman itu dan melihat masyarakatnya sudah terlalu kusut di semua aspek, semua golongan sudah rosak, yakni sebagai contoh, sudah wujud krisis, pepecahan, jatuh menjatuhkan, sudah wujud pendedahan aurat, dadah, sumbang muhram, jenayah yang berbagai bentuk, pergaduhan, perkelahian dan peperangan di mana-mana, biasanya generasi yang hidup di waktu itu, secara umumnya, sudah tidak pandai menilai lagi penyakit masyarakat itu dari mana datangnya, dari mana sumbernya, siapa yang membawanya dan bila ia mula berlaku. Ini antara fikiran umum waktu itu. Biasanya generasi ini, kalau lahir sahaja, sudah begitu rupa masyarakatnya, maka setidak-tidaknya ada 3 kategori masyarakat dalam menilai dan berhadapan dengan situasi masa itu.

1. Golongan yang tidak susah hati dan boleh menerima keadaan itu Golongan ini yang paling ramai. Mereka tidak susah hati dan boleh menerima keadaan. Seolah-olah apa yang berlaku itu sudah jadi satu budaya. Kalau orang hendak dedah aurat, dedahlah. Orang hendak bergaduh, bergaduhlah. Ikut sahaja apa yang dicorak oleh masyarakat. Kalau masyarakat penipu, dia pun tipu sama. Kalau masyarakat jahat, dia pun jahat sama. Kalau masyarakat khianat, dia pun khianat sama. Kalau masyarakat amalkan rasuah, dia pun rasuah sama. Begitu juga kalau masyarakat jatuh menjatuhkan, dia pun kalau berpeluang, buat juga. Sudah begitu keadaannya. Dia lahir sahaja, hidup masyarakat sudah begitu. Seolah-olahnya, budayanya sudah begitu. Ikut sahaja lah. Ini satu golongan. Bahkan golongan ini yang paling ramai.

2. Golongan yang rasa sedih berhadapan dengan situasi itu Golongan ini tidak boleh terima apa yang sedang berlaku. Bukan begini masyarakat Islam. Masyarakat yang tidak ada harmoni dan kasih sayang. Menakutkan dan membimbangkan. Ini golongan yang kedua. Golongan ini, walaupun tidak terpengaruh dengan suasana masyarakat tetapi tidak ada cita-cita hendak membaikinya. Kalau dia tidak tahan, dia carilah tempat-tempat yang dia agak boleh selamat. Dia memencilkan diri dan bawa diri. Kurang berada di tengah masyarakat. Ini golongan yang kedua. Golongan ini sangat sedikit.

3. Golongan yang tidak boleh menerima keadaan masyarakat, bercita-cita dan berusaha membaikinya Golongan ini tidak boleh terima keadaan masyarakat yang begitu rupa. Bukan begini yang dibuat oleh Rasulullah. Bukan begini berlaku di zaman salafussoleh. Bukan begini masyarakat yang Tuhan hendak. Datang satu cita-cita dan kemahuan yang kuat untuk baiki semula masyarakat Islam yang sudah rosak. Dia pun mencari kawan-kawan yang sealiran lalu menyatu padukan kawan-kawan yang seiya sekata. Kemudian dia susun barisan perjuangan, datang ke tengah mastarakat, berdakwah, memberi ilmu dan pendidikan untuk pulihkan semula masyarakat yang sudah begitu kronik. Ini golongan yang paling sedikit. Ini golongan yang ada cita-cita. Biasanya, kalau masyarakat itu sudah di puncak kronik penyakitnya, orang yang ada cita-cita begini, mesti bermula dari seorang pemimpin yang yang mengumpul kawan-kawannya yang juga ada cita-cita, datang ke tengah masyarakat untuk membaiki semula masyarakat yang sudah rosak. Biasanya bila di kemuncak kejahatan, maka pemimpin yang Tuhan lahirkan itu, kalau waktu ada Rasul, maka Rasul-lah. Kalau waktu itu sudah tidak ada Rasul, maka pemimpin yang Tuhan lahirkan itu ialah mujadid. Mujadid datang 100 tahun sekali yakni di setiap awal kurun Hijrah.

Bila satu generasi itu melihat gambaran hidup yang saya telah katakan tadi, mereka yang sedar dan insaf, yang hendak membaik pulih semula masyarakat Islam yang telah rosak, dia mesti mengkaji, dari mana sumbernya penyakit ini, bila bermulanya dan siapa pencetusnya. Jadi pemimpin yang ditunjuk oleh Tuhan, pasti Tuhan beri dia faham. Di antara yang Tuhan fahamkan, adadua sebab terbesar mengapa masyarakat itu jadi begitu, sudah begitu dirosakkan. Kebanyakan orang tidak tahu sumbernya. Pemimpin yang ditunjuk Tuhan itu, dia dapat melihat mengapa masyarakat itu jadi sampai begitu rupa. Pemimpin yang dipimpin oleh Tuhan, dia sempat melihat apa yang disebut oleh hadis yakni bila masyarakat itu sudah begitu rosak, adadua sebab terbesar yakni adadua golongan penting dan berpengaruh di tengah masyarakat sudah rosak iaitu ulama dan pemimpin. Ini memang dijelaskan oleh hadis. Adadua golongan manusia yang apabila mereka baik, maka baiklah masyarakat. Tetapi apabiladua golongan ini rosak, maka rosaklah masyarakat. Mereka ialah ulama dan pemimpin.

Golongan yang pertama adalah ulama. Bila ulama sudah rosak, oleh kerana dia adalah contoh maka rosaklah rakyat. Ulama ibarat benteng masyarakat. Bila benteng rebah, masyarakat ikut rebah. Yang kedua adalah pemimpin. Pemimpin itu ada berbagai-bagai peringkat. Samada bertaraf negara, bertaraf bangsa, bertaraf etnik, bertaraf jemaah atau bertaraf puak, pokoknya dia pemimpin. Pemimpin itu adalah bayangan masyarakat. Pemimpin adalah orang yang disegani dan berpengaruh di kalangan masyarakat. Apabila dia rosak, mudah sahaja masyarakat rosak. Bila pemimpin semua peringkat sudah rosak, maka rosaklah masyarakat.

Dari sini baru kita faham, bila masyarakat itu rosak, puncanya bukan dari masyarakat tetapi ia adalah berpunca daridua golongan ini iaitu ulama dan para-para pemimpin. Ini diberitahu oleh Tuhan melalui lidah Rasulullah SAW.

Hadis juga beritahu, sebab yang kedua mengapa berlakunya kerosakan masyarakat adalah kerana umat Islam ini sudah cinta dunia dan takut mati untuk Tuhan. Untuk dunia, umat Islam sanggup mati. Untuk pangkat, sanggup mati. Untuk duit dan untuk perempuan, sanggup mati. Tetapi untuk Tuhan, tidak. Jadi faktor kedua ialah cinta dunia dan takut mati. Bila cinta dunia, ertinya tidak cinta Tuhan. bila cinta dunia, ertinya tidak takut Tuhan. Bila tidak takut dan tidak cinta Tuhan, ertinya jati diri umat Islam sudah roboh. Rohnya sudah kiamat. Sudah terdedah kepada segala maksiat. Bila tidak takut dan cinta Tuhan, seolah-olah hati itu sudah ternganga untuk menerima berbagai-bagai kejahatan. Bila begitu keadaannya, musuh ambil peluang. Yahudi ambil peluang setelah mereka faham jati diri umat Islam sudah tumbang. Maka Yahudi masukkan berbagai perkara negatif seperti bahan-bahan lucah, bahan-bahan yang boleh merosakkan akhlak, perkara-perkara yang boleh menyuburkan nafsu jahat, sesuai dengan hati umat Islam yang sudah terdedah kepada kejahatan kerana tidak takut dan tidak cinta Tuhan lagi.

Orang Yahudi ambil perhatian. Orang Islam tidak ambil perhatian. Termasuklah para ulama. Orang yahudi menunggu. Dari masa ke masa dia baca umat Islam. Bila dia lihat umat Islam sudah cinta dunia dan takut mati kerana Tuhan, dari situlah dia masukkan berbagai perkara negatif untuk rosakkan iman, rosakkan akhlak, rosakkan nafsu dan perpaduan umat Islam. Akhirnya makan masa beratus tahun, maka terjadilah masyarakat sebagai mana yang saya gambarkan tadi. Bila satu generasi itu lahir-lahir sahaja sudah berada dalam masyarakat yang tidak sihat itu, mereka tidak tahu apakah puncanya.

Dengan kasih sayang Tuhan, Dia tidak biarkan keadaan itu berlama-lama. Maka Tuhan lahirkan seorang pemimpin.Begitulah yang disebut oleh Rasulullah. Sebab itu Rasulullah pesan, waktu ini kena cari walaupun terpaksa susah payah dan berkorban. Bila jumpa, wajib ditaati. Begitulah anjuran Allah melalui lidah Rasulullah SAW. Malangnya umat Islam lupakan pesanan hadis. Dia terpengaruh dengan pejuang-pejuang yang ada. Terpengaruh dengan politik, dengan militan, terpengaruh dengan ajaran-ajaran ekonomi yang ada hingga terlupa pesanan Allah melalui lidah RasulNya.

Malaysian Politics for 2009

The year opens with a bang with the upcoming Jan 17 Kuala Terengganu by-election which will see a battle between traditional rivals – Umno and PAS – for the hearts and minds of mostly Malay voters.

Although just a by-election and while a victory or defeat would not alter the power balance in parliament, it will carry a national dimension because the outcome will be seen as a barometer of acceptance or rejection of the rival political coalitions by the Malays.

The key political event for Barisan Nasional and the country is the departure of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in March after five years as prime minister. He is set to hand over the reins to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak after the Umno general assembly in the fourth week of March.

All eyes would thereafter be on the new man Najib, the son of Malaysia’s revered second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak.

Focus will be on who he picks for his cabinet, those who will articulate his vision, and how he interacts with non-Malays and ease their economic and political fears.

The rise of Najib will also see the final eclipse of many holdovers from the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad era; classic examples being Wanita leader Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz and MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu. Although many of their time will depart the political scene, Dr Mahathir who had presided over their long careers, is expected to see a rebirth of his political fortunes in 2009. Already he is a hit in cyberspace with millions of visitors to his website where he, as usual, speaks his mind on a variety of issues ranging from his favourite, the failings of his hand-picked successor Abdullah, to little known issues like MCA founder Tun Tan Cheng Lock’s view of citizenship for non-Malays.

How Najib and the remorseless Mahathir get along will be keenly watched in 2009. Will their relationship grate (as that of Mahathir and Abdullah) or will it be balmy as some political insiders believe it will surely be. Regardless, it is a time-honoured political truism that no man newly in power would want to be babysat by a former mentor.

With or without Dr Mahathir in the shadows, the focus remains on Najib and how he will handle the thorniest issues of the day – race relations, reforms and winning back the political support the BN and Umno lost to the opposition.

Najib is still an unknown story despite being in government for nearly three decades. He is said to be excellent at breaking down complex issues into manageable pieces. He also understands the civil service and is patient and not easily ruffled. These are qualities that have helped him survive the cutthroat world of Umno politics and his recent confrontations with the opposition. We will however only get to see the real Najib (and his policies) after he formally takes over as prime minister.

“It will most likely be a year of reforms … the reforms that Abdullah started and Najib has promised to carry on,” says Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam.

“I see in 2009 the start of the reform process in the ruling Barisan coalition. Reform of the ISA, press laws and election rules are all included,” he said.

Others are less optimistic, predicting that Najib will be selective in his reform plans so as not to upset the political establishment and entrenched forces in Umno.

Najib has his work cut out for him – reforms, winning back lost political support, rebuilding Umno and getting Barisan going again.

He does not have the luxury of time as he has to also quell a possible rebellion in Sabah and prepare for an earlier-than-expected election in Sarawak where the opposition plans to work their magic among the Dayaks said to be on the warpath.

He has also to ward off the constant threat from the opposition to win over government backbenchers and topple the government – although that threat has somewhat receded.

But overshadowing everything else in 2009 is still the global economic downturn.

The fear of business collapses, jobs lost, depletion of savings and rising cost of living is already tangible and is expected to deepen in 2009.

If the situation does worsen and our economy is hit hard, the resulting negative impact will significantly colour national politics and the daily life of the people.

Going by precedence, there will be more protests as more people are laid off, and consequently more repression to maintain public peace. In the past, periods of economic turmoil has always been followed by political upheavals. An exception to this is unlikely unless the contagion is brief and largely benign.

At a recent meeting of financial experts, Najib stressed that the country needed “stability” over everything else, to cope with the economic crisis that was enveloping the world.

“The 2008 general election is over,” he told the meeting, implying it was time for politics to take a backseat so that the economic issues could be tackled.

That is how 2009 is likely to be.

Remain united during trying times - PM

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has called on Malaysians to remain united in these trying times.

In his New Year message, carried live over TV3, the Prime Minister called on Malaysians to maintain their political responsiblity to ensure peace and stability, while protecting the rights of all races.

He assured them that the country’s economic growth was doing well, despite signs that showed otherwise elsewhere.

Abdullah noted that 2008 was not all rosy for Malaysians.

“We had to accept bitter events such as the loss of lives in road accidents, crimes and natural disasters.

“We have faced the direct consequences of the rise in world oil prices. We are also faced with a drop in the price of palm oil and rubber,” he said.

But, through all these, he said, the Government would continue to protect the country’s economic strength and the people’s welfare.

“We will act responsibly and carry out the appropriate actions to face the changes brought about by the developments in the world economy,” he added.

Examples of these, Abdullah said was when the Government reduced the people’s financial burden by providing road tax rebates and rice subsidies, while the fuel prices experienced seven levels of reductions since August.

However, the Prime Minister was disappointed that the prices of certain goods were still high.

To counter the problem, the Go­­vernment had initiated cooperation with supermarkets, urging them to offer goods at lower prices, he said.

Abdullah said the global economic crisis would be more challenging in 2009.

“Demand for our goods will lessen, which in turn will result in a drop in economic activity,” he added.

However, he said, the people should be fortunate that Malaysia enjoyed several effective advantages compared with other nations.

“The country’s financial reserves reached the highest level in history at 37% compared to our GDP.

“Our financial institutions are equipped with strong capital that are cautiously managed, while the national economy is diversified and not solely dependent on a single sector,” he added.

Abdullah said the Government would monitor the trend and developments of the world economy and carry out appropriate steps to face the challenges.

“If need be, the Government will implement additional measures to ensure continuous economic growth and improve domestic consumption,” he added.

Abdullah said the country’s ability to face challenges did not only depend on the steps being carried out on the economy.

“In this context, I’m glad that we have achieved a huge success with the passing in Parliament of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com­mission Bill and the Judicial Ap­­pointments Commission Bill recently.

“Such steps are important to ensure that the people’s rights are protected in a fair and judicious manner,” he said.

- The Star

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