Ahad, Oktober 26, 2008

35 things guys just wish girls to know??

1.) Having someone to yack on the phone means alot to us.

2.) Don't only be on the receiving side of phone calls but also on the dialling side as it gives us the feeling of being wanted.

3.) If we're talking to you on the phone and we say we have to go because we're busy, believe us, we probably are and we don't say it because we do not want to talk to you... well..most of the time.

4.) Sharing your problems shows you value our opinions.

5.) Talking too much and listening too little can irk us.

6.) Being totally honest about everything shows a mature relationship.

7.) When we feel jealous, it's our way of showing how much we care for you.

8.) We simply cannot take too much critism at any one go.

9.) Showing you care for us gives us a boost sufficient to make us flash our teeth all day long.

10.) Guys are highly sensitive creatures too. Contrary to what many believe, they DO get offended, so beware!

11.) Compromise is the keyword to a zooming friendship.

12.) We hate it when girls try to show off and act proud by playing hard-to-get.

13.) Sometimes, we tease NOT to hurt but because we actually care for you girls. (There's no doubt about it, we're a weird bunch!)

14.)Try not to be overly sensitive towards what we say.(Often,we think too little. Our brains aren't the size of the sun. you know.)

15.) When out shopping together, don't enter shops where we guys have absolutely nothing to purchase.(And I'm not only referring to lingerie stores.)

16.) Including us in your conversations when talking to your gender-mates in our presence reduces our feelings of awkwardness.

17.) Consulting us before you do some major 'remodelling' to your image shows our opinion hold water.

18.) Over usage of makeup resulting in a vampire-like image is a major YUCK!

19.) Complementing us gives us inner warmth.

20.) Giving us humorous cheer-up cards really works wonders if we're down in the dumps.

21.) Being warm and bubbly towards us does bubble us up.

22.) Understanding that we folk have passions for certain things like computers, cars, and basketballs. These few passions MUST normally take priority, so please understand.

23.) Never give us the silent treatment. We loathe it.

24.) Remembering our important events is crucial. Dare to forget our birthday and face a crushed us.

25.) Offering to pay on dates lightens our financial burden substantially and would enable more dates.

26.) Don't ever be more than 15 minutes later than us for an appointment. We start to feel as if we have been stood up.

27.) If you care for us, don't turn down dates without giving any
alternatives one.

28.) The ability to make and take jokes puts us at ease.

29.) We are simply thrilled if you ask us out , instead of us always doing the asking.

30.) Giving us hints as to how you feel about us eases a million kilo-tonne burden off our backs.

31.) DO NOT lead us on if you do not like us. It can crush the strongest of men.

32.) Giving us gifts for no apparent reason speeds up our pulse rate.

33.) Trust is a valuable two way necessity in all relationship.

34.) The onus is on us to make the first move so don't make it hard on us. You can make the first move too. If carried out decently, nobody will think of you as cheap.

35.) Being nice to a girl doesn't mean we are in love with her. Guys can be nice without having ulterior motives.


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