Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Boys??

A woman ALWAYS needs to feel "attraction" towards you if she is going to kiss, date or sleep with you.

There are ways and techniques where you can CREATE attraction, and certain behaviour that will KILL it within an instant.

Okay, now listen up abgnakall:

About 90% of men do not know how to do make a woman feel attracted. And I will make sure you ain't gonna be one of them.

So first let's talk about what you should - under any circumstances - NOT do when you're dealing with women because they will reject you cold and run.

Here are the most COMMON mistakes men make:

1. Asking women out: "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink sometime". Ouch! Bad call, you never ASK women out.

2. Being NICE. This has got to be the worst of the worst. Why do guys think that by being nice to a woman, she will be nice to you later? Look, you can suck up to your teacher to get a good grade or to your boss to get promoted but it won't work with women. It just doesn't create any attraction so please quit it, NOW!

3. Being CLINGY. Don't call women 3 times a day, don't send her 8 text-messages a day and please don't act like you desperately want to hump her brains out ... even if you do. Be cool!

4. Most guys out there try to complement a good-looking woman, BUY her all sorts of gifts on the first dates like flowers, invite her to dinner or take her out to the movies. Women DO NOT feel attracted to men who behave that way! No flowers, no cuddly- toys, no chocolate, no cinema-tickets and no gifts whatsoever until you had sex with her at least once.

No, forget all that: No gifts until you had sex with her at least 10 times. You gotta create attraction and buying shit kills it within an instant if you do it too early.

5. If you're dating, never ever say "You know, I really like you" ... or even worse "I love you". Remember that, or she WILL run and not text/call you back.

Those are the biggest No-No's that you could possibly do to put padlocks on a woman's panties. Now if you keep doing those mistakes above you deserve some of my he-bitch man slap dude.

But you have to realize one thing abgnakall:

If you do what everyone else does, why the hell would a woman be interested in you in the first place? You'd be just like every other boring loser who's trying the same stuff for the 27th time in the same week.

If you want women feel ATTRACTED to you, you will need to be DIFFERENT.

Again, this does NOT matter if you're ugly, short, fat, bald whatever because they don't care if you've got the personality going.

I know Hollywood, TV and the rest of the Media have been telling you all that nicey-nice stuff like paying for dinner, bringing flowers and chocolate and so on.

But this is REAL life, not a disney-movie or a chick flick with a happy ending. It's time to wake up man, really. Forget all that junk that people have been trying to drill into your head for years.

Learn how to play this dating game in a way that will actually GET you the girl! Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Boys??

1 comment... add one now

Tanpa NamaTanpa Nama Selasa, 17 Mac 2015 pada 2:57:00 PG SGT
Well these days there are so much more Loser women than we ever had before.

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